Thursday 10 October 2013


Libya's Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has been freed several hours after being kidnapped at dawn by gunmen at the Tripoli hotel where he is living.

The brazen abduction seemed to be in retaliation for a raid by US special forces in the capital over the weekend that seized a suspected al Qaeda leader. Government spokesman Mohammed Kaabar told the state news agency that Mr Zeidan, 63, had been "set free" and was on his way to his office. It appeared Libyan forces had intervened in some way and the abductors did not free Mr Zeidan voluntarily.

His abduction reflected the weakness of the government, which is virtually held hostage by powerful militias, many of which are made up of Islamic militants.He was detained at the interior ministry's anti-crime department, said an official there, and he was reported to be in "good health and was treated well". He had been taken from the luxury Corinthia Hotel after being seized by up to 150 armed men who arrived in pick-up trucks.

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