Although many people shy away from attempts to discuss issues relating to body odour and personal hygiene, it causes even greater embarrassment if not dealt with appropriately. The piece below culled from ThisDay is very helpful and informative. Please read and share.
Commonly, most people who have passed puberty produce body odour. It can be assumed as one of the secondary sexual characteristics in the grown-ups at puberty. Puberty usually occurs between 12-16 years in girls, and 13-17 years in boys.
Although, human sweat is mostly odourless, micro-organism like the bacteria that live on the skin can break down the sweat into acids, which produces an unpleasant odour. Medically, this condition is known as bromhidrosis, apocrine bromhidrosis, fetid sweat or malodorous sweating.
Body odour can be made worse by the following conditions/situations: Obesity, Eating a diet that is high in spicy foods and having certain medical conditions, such as diabetes. Also of relevance here is the fact that body odour is commoner in men, since men tend to sweat more than women.
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