Saturday 9 May 2015


As Outlined by Dr Kayode Fayemi, Director of Policies for APC.

Marshall Plan:

1. The cardinal agenda of the APC government and over-arching themes will be SECURITY, CORRUPTION and UN-EMPLOYMENT; APC believes that corruption has a very strong negative link to both security and unemployment.

2. There will be no 'real action' until around October 2015, partly because the 2015 budget is GEJ’s; the new APC government will seek to align the electoral and fiscal calendars to avoid this type of problem in future.

3. A corrupt-free cabinet will be announced very quickly, WITHIN ONE WEEK of inauguration on 29/5/15; anyone with A WHIFF OF CORRUPTION or other tainting or pending corrupt charges will NOT be appointed into APC's cabinet; GMB’s body language will reflect ZERO TOLERANCE for corruption from Day-one. STEALING WILL BE DEEMED AS CORRUPTION.

4. APC is not a conclave of cardinals or saints or angels but includes the good, the bad and the ugly; in Nigeria, the bad and the ugly can be the biggest electoral assets but GMB’s government will not interfere with law enforcement agencies or the judiciary even if APC members are involved.

5. The VP elect, did a lot of work as commissioner of justice in LASG and will bring this to a major revamp of the judiciary to complement anti-corruption drive and the rule of law; he will also anchor the economic committee.

6. The new APC government will continue with some of the programs in the GEJ administration, which were successful, for example Agriculture, but there will be a stronger collaboration between FGN and the states.

7. A very LEAN government is the main focus for APC/GMB; this will involve resolving overlapping and redundant MDAs; largely in line with the Steve Oronsaye presidential committee report; this report was available to GEJ’s government but the will to implement it was absent.

8. Rather than strengthen key anti-corruption agencies like EFCC, ICPC and SFI, these are likely to be consolidated and a single entity will be made more effective and empowered to BARK & BITE HARD unlike the present comatose agencies.

9. APC believes that CBN is getting over-burdened by developmental finance issues, at the expense of its core objectives; this will be changed and improved.

10. Subsidy on petroleum products will certainly be removed at some point and the industry will be reformed as a matter of priority in order to attract new investments.

11. While power reform has been commendable, and will continue, the approach will change. Transmission will be deregulated, regionalized and privatized in order to break down centralized transmission; issues of gas supply to Gencos will be addressed but the new APC government believes that DISCOs are the biggest bottlenecks presently; the APC government plans to add-on 4,000 MW of power every year and expect that output will be a minimum of 12,000 MW at the end of term of this 4-year mandate.

12. APC's think-tank detailed work indicate that N3 trillion in savings can come out of plugged leakages; we believe that the employment drive will be private-sector led. The government will allow market forces to prevail, including foreign exchange; GMB will NOT use fiat to fix the exchange rate; however the government will keenly seek to protect the more economically vulnerable segments of the society.

13. There will be tightening of the tax loopholes but NO tax rate hikes or increase. FIRS will be strengthened and the Lagos state IGR template will be adopted at the national level.

14. While the infrastructure gap requires huge capital outlay which the government does not have, a master-plan will be developed; a situation where the recurrent budget is almost 80% and capital budget only 20% is not acceptable. APC will reverse the trend gradually.

15. Nigerians are advised to familiarize themselves with the contents of APC manifesto and APC code of ethics which are available ONLINE and also, the Steve Oronsaye report.

Thank you Nigerians for your mandate, support and cooperation. Together, we will make this county, Nigeria, great again.

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