Wednesday 15 January 2014


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may have executed his uncle because of his role as a procurer of a ‘pleasure brigade’ of young girls.

Jang Song Thaek allegedly had the task of recruiting girls – some as young as 15 – for the country’s late dictator Kim Jong Il.

According to a former family sushi chef, Kenji Fujimoto, North Korea’s 31-year-old leader was disgusted by his father’s immoral antics and has now punished his uncle for abusing his position.

Fujimoto claims Jang would insist on sleeping with the candidates himself before considering them for Kim’s ‘joy division’ – girls chosen to sing, dance and bathe the leader. Jang, who was put to death by his nephew last month, was married to Kim Jong Un’ s aunt, Kim Kyong Hui.

‘[Kim Jong Un] hates that kind of thing the most. His grandfather Kim Il Sung did similar things. His father also had quite a history with women. So having seen them, he wanted to prove that he’s different and that he would eradicate such practices, Fujimoto told NK News.

‘Mr Jang Song Thaek had relations with multiple women. Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un could not forgive this, so he executed Mr Jang Song Thaek, his caretaker and guardian,’ he added.

He claimed Jang would audition the girls. ‘If they were singers, they would sing right there. There would be separate auditions for dancers. The panel would ask them to raise their legs and all that,’ he said. And to gain an audition they would have to spend the night with Jang, the chef claimed. 

Up until now, mystery has shrouded the North Korean leader’s motives for putting his mentor to death.

Some experts have questioned the reliability of the Japanese chef, who worked for the Kim family between 1989 and 2001. He claimed Kim Jong Il had a taste for live fish and expensive French wines and brandies. On one occasion, he claimed, he was sent to China to bring back some McDonald’s hamburgers.

Bradley K. Martin, author of ‘Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty’, was quoted yesterday as saying that none of his research suggested Jang was in charge of recruiting young girls.

Fujimoto’s credibility was helped by his prediction that Kim Jong Un and not his brother Kim Jong Nam would be appointed to succeed their father in 2011.

The chef fled North Korea in 2001 but was invited back for a visit by the current leader in 2012 and was photographed embracing Kim Jong Un. His wife and daughter still live in Pyongyang.

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